Table of Function
Group | Function | Command | Argument | Content | Example |
Edit | clear | clear | - | Erase All Seting | clear; |
Edit | library | prj | libralyname | Set Project Directory | prj job "d:\user\proj\bank"; |
Edit | readFile | get | filename | Readin TableData | get file_a@job; |
Edit | writeFile | put | filename | Writeout TableData | put file_b@job; |
Edit | sort | sort | -(+)variable | Sort records | sort +key -old; |
Edit | unique | unique | )variable | No Duplicate by Key Coloumn | unique keys; |
Edit | merge | merge | filename | Merge Tables by Key Coloumn | merge key by file_a@job; |
Edit | lineOut | outrec | (filename) | Extract Records | outrec; |
Edit | lineDel | delrec | (fileneme) | Delete Records | delrec; |
Edit | concatination | concat | filename | Concatinate Tables | contract by file_a@job |
Edit | handIn | hand | variable | Input Data by Hand | handin x y z/ |
Edit | transpose | transpose | variable | Transpose TableData | transpose x y z; |
Edit | attr | attr | (name) (type) | Change Name or Type of Variable | attr name type/ |
Edit | table | table | score by class item | Make Table by Class and Item | table score by class item/ |
Edit | untable | untable | items by class | Disassemble by Class and Item | untable item1-6 by class/ |
Control | ifThen | if | variable cond | Condition Statement | if(x == prev(x)) {…} |
Control | forLoop | for | from to inc | Loop Satatement | for(I=1;I<100;I++) {…} |
Control | *whileLoop | while | - | Conditional Loop | while(I <= 10) {…} |
Meta | set constant | $set | name value | Set Meta Variable | $set parm x1 x2 x3 x4; |
Meta | condition | $ifdo | value | Meta Condition Control | $if … $do … $end;$else do … $end; |
Meta | loop | $loop | value | Meta Loop Control | $loop I=1 to 10; … $end; |
Meta | func | $func | name args | Meta Funcion | $func myfn (arg1,arg2,arg3); … $end; |
Meta | set variable | extend | name value | Set Variable to Meta | extend(name,variable); |
Varialble | rename | rename | xxx=yyy | Rename Varialble | rename x = xx; |
Varialble | vector | vector | number | Define Vector | vector vec[10]; |
Varialble | select | select | variable | Selection Coloumn of Table | select x y z; |
Varialble | reject | reject | variable | Delete Coloumn of Table | reject a b c; |
Varialble | accume | accume | variable | Define Accumirate Variable | accume sum; |
Varialble | unitRand | random | - | Uniform Random | rand = random; |
Varialble | LAST | LAST | - | Last Record | if(# == LAST) {…} |
Varialble | # | # | - | Current Record | if(# < 100) {…} |
Analysis | AIC | aic | target | Analysis independance by AIC | aic flag by x y z; |
Analysis | ANOVA | anova | variable | Distoribution Analysis | anova |
Analysis | Association | assoc | - | Association Analysis | assoc |
Analysis | Correlation | corr | variable | Correration Coefficent | corr x y z; |
Analysis | Frequency | count | variable | Frequency Analysis | count x y z; |
Analysis | conjoint | conj | variable [point] | Conjoint Analysis | conj x y z by point; |
Analysis | covariance | cov | variable | Distribution Coefficent | cov x y z; |
Analysis | CoxHazard | cox | target | Cox-Hazard Analysis | cox flag by x y z; |
Analysis | Dendrogram | dendro | variable | Tree Diagram | dendro x y z; |
Analysis | EM | em | variable segment | EM Algorithm | em x y z by seg; |
Analysis | Factor | factor | variable | Factor Analysis | factor tag by x y z; |
Analysis | GausianGraph | ggm | variable | Gaussian Graphical Model | ggm x y z; |
Analysis | groupLens | grouplens | variable | Collaborative Filtering | grouplens score by user item; |
Analysis | K-nn | k_nn | variable | K-nn Method | k_nn tag by x y z; |
Analysis | k-means | kmeans | variable | K-means Method | kmeans tag by 5; |
Analysis | LogitRegression | logit | target | Logit Regression | logit tag by x y z; |
Analysis | Lasso | lasso | target | Lasso Regression | lasso tag by x y z; |
Analysis | Maharanobis | maha | target | Mahalanoibs Method | maha tag by x y z; |
Analysis | Mahadist | mahadist | target | Anomary Detection | mahadist x y z; |
Analysis | *mcmc | mcmc | variable | MCMC Method | mcmc x; |
Analysis | minsqr | minisqr | target variable | Least Squares | minsqr tag by x y z; |
Analysis | NaiveBeyes | nbayes | taget variable | Naive Bayes | nbayes tag by x y z; |
Analysis | neuro | neuro | inputs outputs | Neuro Analysis | neuro inp1 inp2 inp3 by out1 out2 ; |
Analysis | Principle | prin | variable | Principal component analysis | prin x y z; |
Analysis | linerRegression | reg | target | Liner Regression | reg tag by x y z; |
Analysis | RegTree | regtree | target | Regression Tree | tree tag by x y z; |
Analysis | BasicStatic | static | variable | Basic statistics | static x y z; |
Analysis | softmax | softmax | target variable | Softmax Regression | softmax x y z by cat; |
Analysis | som | som | variable | Self-organizing map | som x y z; |
Analysis | Summary | sumup | variable | Summary | summary x y z; |
Analysis | svm | svm | value1 | Support Vector Machine | svm tag by x y z; |
Analysis | DicsionTree | tree | target variable | Decision Tree | treep tag by x y z; |
Analysis | CompressedSensing | complp | target variable | Compressed sensing | complp tag by x y z; |
Optimize | LinerPlan | lp | variable | Linear Planning | lp tag by x y z; |
Optimize | nonLinerPlan | nlp | filename | NonLinear Planning | nlp (filename)/ |
Optimize | integerPlan | intp | variable | Integer Planning | intp x1-6 by cond val; |
Optimize | dynamicPlan | dynmp | variable | Dynamic Planning | dynmp f_1-3 by x; |
Optimize | quadraticPlan | qpl | variable | Quadradic Planning | qpl a1-7 by cond ans; |
Test | mean | test_mean | varialbe | Average Test | test mean x y; |
Test | rate | test_rate | variable | Patial Test | test rate x y; |
Test | normal | test_normal | variable | Nomal Test | test nomal x y; |
Test | wilcox | wilcox | variable | Ranking Test | wilcox x y; |
Test | χSqure | chisqt | variable | Chi-square Test | chisqrt x1 - 5; |
Path | *anneal | anneal | variable | Annealing Method | - |
Path | flow | netflow | variable | Max Min Inflow Analysis | - |
Path | *path | netpath | variable | Minum Path Analysis | - |
Path | prim | prim | variable | Spanning Tree | - |
Graph | bar graph | plot_bar | variable | Bar Graph | plot bar x y z by kind; |
Graph | line graph | plot_line | variable | Line Graph | plot line x y z by kind; |
Graph | box graph | plot_box | varialbe | Candle Graph | plot box x by kind; |
Graph | regretion graph | plot_reg | - | Regressin Figure | plot reg; |
Graph | scatter graph | plot_scat | variable | Scatter Plot | plot scat x y z; |
Graph | Histgram | hist | variable | Histogram | hist x y z by kind; |
Matrix | mult | mxmult | matrix | Matrix Multiplication | mxmult vec_1 - 5 by mx; |
Matrix | *reverse | mxrev | matrix | Reverse Matrix | maxrev vec_1 - 5; |
Matrix | *add | mxadd | matrix | Matirx Addition | mxadd vec_1 - 5 by mx; |
Matrix | *sub | mxsub | matrix | Matirx Subtraction | mxsub vec_1 - 5 by mx; |
Matrix | svd | svd | matrix | Singular Value Decomposition | svd vec_1 - 5; |
Matrix | *LUdecomp | ludecomp | matrix | LU Decomposition | ludecomp vec_1 - 5; |
Matrix | *QRdecomp | qrdecomp | matrix | QR Decomposition | qrdecomp vec_1 - 5; |
Matrix | Cholesky | chole | matrix | Cholesky Factorization | chole vec_1 - 5; |
Matrix | *Matrix inverse | mxinv | mxinvmatrix | Inverse Matrix | mxinv vec_1 - 5; |
Matrix | *Eigen vector | eigen | eigenmatrix | Eigen Value | eigen vec_1 - 5; |
Matrix | nonegative decomp | nfmx | nfmxmatrix | Nonnegative Matrix Factorization | nfmx vec_1 - 5 by nbase; |
Time | kalman | kalman | variable | Kalman Filter | kalman x; |
Time | Hidden Marcov | hmm | variable | Hidden Markov | hmm x y by 3; |
Time | *covariance | tmcov | variable | Auto-correlation | tmcov x y z; |
Time | *crosscov | tmcrs | variable | Cross-correlation | tmcrs x y z; |
Time | *ar | tmar | variable | Auto Regression | tmar x |
Time | *ma | tmma | variable | Moving Average | tmma x |
Time | *trend | tmtrend | variable | Trend Analysis | tmtrend x |
Time | *arma | arma | variable | Arima | arma x |
Time | *average | tmave | variable | Moving Average | tmave x y z; |
Time | *season | season | variable | Seaning Analysis | season x y z; |
Time | *fourie | fourie | variable | Fourier Transform | fourie x; |
Time | *calc | tmcalc | variable | Time Series Add or Sub | tmcalc add x y; |
Time | *adf | tmadf | variable | ADF Test | tmadf x; |
Operater | *Plus | + | number | Addition | x=y+z; |
Operater | *Minus | - | number | Subtraction | x=y-z; |
Operater | *Multiple | * | number | Multiplication | x=y*x; |
Operater | *Divide | / | number | Division | x=y/z; |
Operater | *Power | ** | number | Product | x=y**2; |
Operater | *Modulo | % | number | Surplus | x=y%2; |
Operater | *Incliment | ++ | number | 1 Increase | x++; |
Operater | *Decliment | -- | number | 1 Decrease | x--; |
Operater | *Factrial | ! | number | Factorial | x! |
Document | lda | lda | number | Latent Dirichret Analysis | lda x y z |
Document | mecab | mecab | number | Morpheme | mecab directoryName |
Function | *exp | exp | number | Exponetial | x=exp(2.5); |
Function | *Log | log | number | Logarithmic base 2 | x=log(32); |
Function | *Log10 | log10 | number | Logarithmic base 10 | x=log(1000); |
Function | *sqroot | sqrt | number | Square | x=sqrt(2); |
Function | *SIN | sin | number | Sine(radian) | x=sin(pai*2); |
Function | *COS | cos | number | Consine(radian) | x=cos(pai*2); |
Function | *TAN | tan | number | Tangent(radian) | x=tan(2*pai) |
Function | *ASIN | asin | number | Arc-sine(Radian) | x=asin(1.0); |
Function | *ACOS | acos | number | Arc-cosine(radian) | x=acos(0.0); |
Function | *ATAN | atan | number | Arc-tangent(radian) | x=atan(1.0); |
Function | *HSIN | hsin | number | Hyper-sine | x=hsin(2.5); |
Function | *HCOS | hcos | number | Hyper-cosine | x=hcos(2.5); |
Function | *HTAN | htan | number | Hyper-tangent | x=htan(2.5); |
Function | *Absolution | abs | number | Absort | y=abs(x); |
Function | *SIGN | sign | number | Sign | s=sign(x) |
Function | Round | round | number | Rounding | xr=round(x,-2) |
Function | *RAD | rad | degree | Radianization | - |
Function | *Fix | fix | - | Truncate | - |
Function | *HEX | hex | - | Hexlify | - |
Function | NormalRandom | ranstd | ave std | Normal Random | x=ranstd(1.0,5.0); |
Function | PoisonRandom | ranpoi | ave std | Poisson Random | k=ranpoi(4.0); |
Function | *Integer | ifix | number | Integerization(Truncate) | I=ifix(4.32); |
Function | juriandate | undate | date | Julian Calender | x=undate(20120831); |
Function | date | dater | juriandate | Christian Calender | y=dater(349820); |
Function | *strsel | strsel | character | Extract Character | str=strsel("abcd",2,3) |
Function | *stradd | stradd | character/td> | Append Character | str=stradd("abcd","xyz"); |
Function | *num2str | num2str | number | Number Character Trans | str=num2str(x); |
Function | *str2num | str2num | character | Character Number Trans | x=str2num("212"); |
Function | prev | prev | variable | Value of Previous Coloumn | if(x == prev(x)) {…} |
Function | *outlook | outlook | argument | Lookup Function | outlook(filename,varialbe,value,variable); |
Function | *multinominal random | mrand | argument | Multinomial random | mrand(filename); |
Function | *determinant | determin | argument | Determinant Function | determin(filename); |
Function | CumulativeNorm | qnorm | ave std | Cumulative normal density | p=qnorm(12.8); |
Function | InvCumulativeNorm | pnorm | ave std | Reverse Cumulative normal density | x=pnorm(0.54); |