//Setting type of variable command
//this command is used to change variable name or type.

//Syntax without parameter This command show variable name and type.

//Syntax width parametar that must be [name/rename/type].  Parameter [name] is requied but parameters are no order. 
attr name rename type/

//options is setting value which are separated by space or conmma or tab according to parameter order .
//Example 1
attr name rename/
id identify

//Syntax without parameter but option exists. This command is chane type only as abbreviate. 
attr /

//Example 2  
//output variable name and type of data file. 
get class_names.csv@;


//This command shows valiable name and type in file data as below.

//Example 3
//Changing type of variable:id to merge class.csv@ file.
//because type of variable:id in class.csv@ which is not same type.  
hand id name/
9 yosida
8 imaoka
7 nakai
6 zuzuki
5 mizuno
4 hayasi
3 imai

//set type:code of variable:id according to variable:id of class@.
attr name type/

put wrk;

get class.csv@;
merge wrk by id;

//output is below
&3  2       1
$id name	x
1   _	    1
2   _	    2
3   imai	6
4   hayasi	5
5   mizuno	1
6   zuzuki	2
7   nakai	?
8   imaoka	?
9   yosida	?