//mecab(Morphological analysis)
//This command makes Morphological analysis to convert from natural language to lecical frequency by each documents.
// mecab [directory name];
//(caution) This command requires MeCab Dictionaly of IPA(Information Program Association);
//MeCab Dictionaly must be set in directory which is appointed as enviroment variable "CALC_FWEB"
filter This option is speeches which are extracted from document. Default is noun. parameters: noun/verb/adjective/auxiliary
count This is number of threshold over which mecab wirtes out to laecical frequency. Default value is zero.
anaout This option make to output morphological result by pushing result buttom.
//This example is mecab analysis for documents which is set appointed directory.
mecab text\japanese\*.txt@/ //morphological analysis for all text document under directory
//This commands make lecical frequncy by each document as below.
//If you push result buttom, system shows morphological result as below.