//Decsition Tree
//This tree is used to clasify two class by using C4.5 model

tree target by x y z/

test=nn      //Share(%) of Test data
make=nn      //Share(%) of Instruction data
terminal=nn  //num of minimum leaf node size
outsort=xx   //output ordering maxmum prediction  /ON/OFF/1/0
variable=xx  //type of explanable variable        /code/continuous/moji/zero/char

//Example visitor probabiltiy by directmail ancates and profile of customer.
get dmdatKNJ.csv@; 

//Execute AIC ranking table according to cross refference the target and explanable variables. cross def by old area dm1 dm2 dm3 dm4 dm5 income work home workspan homespan gender family job amount;

//Execute dicsion tree by 50% explanable variables and output 50% test data. get dmdatKNJ.csv@; tree def by old area income work home workspan homespan gender family job amount/ target/good,bad terminal=10 test=50 ; anaput ans1;

//View paraite result figure. get ans1; plot line distincRate by countRate/ yrange=[0:] ;