//Wilcoxs summmary order test command
//This command is used to test noparametric 2 array data.

//Syntax by option.
wilcox variable1 variable2/

plevel=.xx           //0.0 < .xx < 1.0  .xx is level of significance. (default=0.01)  
side=1 or 2          //1 is single side test and 2 is both sides test.

//wilcox summary order test between classA and classB.;
hand classA classB/
171.6	168.5
173.6	175.3
167.6	179.6
169.1	170.7
183	173.1
173.7	173.6
168.3	169.1
169.9	167.9
182.3	177.8
166	171.8
172.8	178.1
184.1	?
158.9	?
168.1	?

//execute wilcox test 
wilcox classA classB;