//Collaborative Filtering analysis command
//Cmmand name is grouplens which infer unkown score by correlation.
//This command needs data which is consited of 3 colomns as user item score.
grouplens score by user item;
method=sum //score is used by sum of score;
method=ave //(defalut) score is used by score average.
method=no //score is used count.
method=bool //score is used exist or no exist.
//Read score reference table which is consist of user and item.
//But this table includes unkown score (?).
//This command infers unkown score by collaborative filter.
get grpout.csv@
//Make score list by user and item widhout unkown score.
untable item_1-6 by user;
get freq@ana;
//untable command is as same as following program.
vector item[6];
for(i=1;i<=6;i++) {
if(item[i] == ?) {
else {
select user items score;
//Unkown score is infered by this command as score_calc.
grouplens score by user items;
get freq@ana;
//At last make score reference table from output.
table score_calc by items user;
get freq@ana;