//extraction record control
//This control extracts records from current file.

//Syntax without argument.
//By without argument,this command leaves extracted records in current file .

//Syntax with argument
outrec [filename]@[prjname];
//Appointing file,this command writes out extracted record to this file.

//Example 1 extract record by condition.
get iris.csv@;

//extract first 100 record. # means current record.
if(# <= 100) {

put iris100;

push table button to show extracted data

view last 10 record of extracted data.

//Example 2 //extract out each file By species of iris. prj tst "c:\temp"; get iris.csv@; if(Species == "setosa") { outrec setosa.csv@tst; } elseif(Species == "virginica") { outrec virginica.csv@tst; } else { outrec others.csv@tst; }

view generate csv files by outrec command