//Multiple matrix  
//This command is used to multiple matirx

mxmult by [filename]@[prjname];

//When current file and appointed file by "by" must be 2 dimension data as matrix n * m;
//For multiplication of matrix,number of column of current file and 
//number of row of appointed file must be same. 

//Example is calcuration of score of principal analysis. 
//This data is 16 location which is defined by distance form A B C D E.

get princomp1.csv@;

//Execute principal composition by distance variable a ` e. prin a b c d e; //Output is below with first rank eigen and vector 1`3.;

//Get first 3 rank pricipal vector from output and save temp file. get freq@ana; select vector_0 vector_1 vector_2; put prin; //calcurate score by mxmult at each location. get princomp1; mxmult a b c d e by prin; put vec;

//Select location label. get princomp1.csv@; select loc; //merge location label by each record. merge vec by #;

plot vector_0 vector_1 vector_2 by loc;