//Minimum(maximum) spanning tree Analysis in net work.  
//This analysis is solved by prim method.
//Spanning trees are root by which all node can accept information. 

prim from_node to_node by span;

mode:(max min)  //max is max spanning mode. min is min spannnig mode.

//Net work and flow amount of span are defined as blow figure.

//Hand in data which are linked node as upper figure. hand x y span/ 1 5 216.748702 1 4 224 1 2 138.92444 3 2 169.81166 3 1 144.886162 3 5 161.009317 4 5 180.676506 4 2 110.145359 5 2 109.178753 ; //Execute prim command by command base. prim x y by span; //Below is output which shows minimum span path that 'all' colomn is sum of span.

//Below figure is solved minimum span link.