//Softmax Regression. 

softmax cat by x y z/

loop:nn     //nn is number of loopmax for Newton Lapson method (default=1000)
eps:0.00xxx //0.00xx is congency condition of Newton improvemant value(default=0.000001)
get iris.csv@;

//Execute softmax instruct label of Species by iris data. softmax Species by SepalL SepalW PetalL PetalW/ loop=500 ; //View Probability of target variable. anaput ana1; //Get average probability of each Species get ana1; statis prob_setosa prob_versicolor prob_virginica by Species; anaput ana2; get ana2; if(_items_ == "AVERAGE") outrec; put ana3; //View softmax average probablity by Species with few error classification get ana3; plot bar setosa versicolor virginica by name;

//view Weight for each cathcgorys get socre@ana; //Add nomal perturbation to iris data. $set sig 1.0; get iris.csv@; sepall=SepalL*(1+ranstd(0,?sig)); petall=PetalL*(1+ranstd(0,?sig)); sepalw=SepalW*(1+ranstd(0,?sig)); petalw=PetalW*(1+ranstd(0,?sig)); put iris_sig@; //Execute softmax normal perturbation iris data. get iris_sig@; softmax Species by sepall petall sepalw petalw/ eps=0.005 ; anaput ana5; //view of Probability of Species. plot scat prob_setosa prob_versicolor prob_virginica/ marker=OF color=red marksize=0.5 ;

//Get average of probability of each Species. get ana5; statis prob_setosa prob_versicolor prob_virginica by Species; anaput ana6; get ana6; if(_items_ == "AVERAGE") outrec; put ana7; //Veiw softmax average probabilty by Species under normal perturbation. get ana7; plot bar setosa versicolor virginica by name;