//scat plot command
//this plot command draws various graph according to number of variables.
//According to number of variables,graph type is bellow 
//1   ->    histgram
//2   ->    2 dimension scat plot
//3   ->    3 dimension scat plot
//over 4 -> matrix of scat plot

//Syntax without category variable.
plot scat [variables];

//Syntax with category variable. 
plot scat [variables] by [category variable];

line=xx            //xx is yes/on/ON/1 -> link points with lines
title=title        //tilte strings
xlabel=x           //x axis strings
ylabel=y           //y axis strings
zlabel=z           //z axis strings
xpitch=xp          //xtics pitch span 
ypitch=yp          //ytics pitch span
xrotate=90         //vertical x tics
marker: type       //example:o,+,x,A,V,box,OF,BF,AF,VF,DF,PF
color:color        //example:black,red,blue,green,yellow
marksize:nn        //marker size
width:nn           //line size
regcolor:color     //regression line color
labels             //view points with labels

//In this plot command,number of variable is less then 7.
//When draws matrix of scat plot,ignore category variable.
//If you specify cathgory using [by], option of marker type and color is ignored. 

//Example read Iris data 
get irisR.csv@;

//Example 1 seting options for title and red marker type plot scat SepalW SepalL PetalW/ marker=OF color=red title=iris 3d figure ;

//Example 2 draw Figure according to number of variable get irisR.csv@; //Because of 1 variable,draw histgram. plot scat SepalW by Species;

//Because of 2 variables,draw scat plot in 2 dimension. plot scat SepalW SepalL by Species;

//Because of 3 variables,draw scat plot in 3 dimension. plot scat SepalW SepalL PetalW by Species;

//Because of 4 variables,draw matrix of scat plot. plot scat SepalW SepalL PetalW PetalL/ marker=OF marksize=0.2 mxcolor=blue ;

//Example 3 link points with lines by line option. clear; for(i=0;i<=30;i++) { x1=random; x2=random; x3=random; outrec; } anneal x1 x2 x3; put ana1; get ana1; plot scat x1 x2 x3/ line=yes ;

//Example 4 view labels defined 'by' following variables using option 'labels=yes' get bankR.csv@; if(#<= 10) outrec; attr name type/ id code ; plot scan salnow salbeg by id/ labels=yes marker=OF color=red ;

//Example 5 pitch changing for better 3D view /* generate Encoder part of VAE clear; for(i=1;i<=20;i++) { s=i*0.1; for(j=1;j<=20;j++) { u=j*0.2-2; L=1+log(s**2)-s**2-u**2; outrec; } } put encoder; get encoder; /* changing 3 axis pitch for better 3D view */ plot scat s u L/ zlabel=L xlabel=ƒÐ ylabel=ƒÊ title=L=1+log(ƒÐ**2)-ƒÐ**2-ƒÊ**2 marker=OF color=red ypitch=1 xpitch=1 zpitch=2 ;