//Box mustache plot command
//this plot command draws Box mustache graph.

//syntax when x axis variable is defined. 
plot box [variable] by [variable]

//Syntax when x axis is record number.
plot box [variable];

//Remarks meaning of each point is bellow.
//  @          maxmum
//       |        95%tail 
//       |
//    +--+--+     75%tail 
//    |     |
//    |     |
//    |     |
//    |     |
//    |  *  |     middle
//    |     |
//    +--+--+     25%tail
//       |
//       |         5%tail
//              minimum 

title=title //title strings
xlabel=x    //x axis strings
ylabel=y    //y axis strings
zlabel=z    //z axis strings
xrotate=90  //virtical x tics

//Example is ploting candle for two values
get bank.csv@;

plot box salnow salbeg;

//Example is ploting candle figure about salary amount by each jobname get bank.csv@; hand jobcat jobname/ 1 1:stuff 2 2:trainning 3 3:gardman 4 4:engineerl 5 5:maneger 6 6:mba 7 7:special ; put jobcat_; //read banker data get bank.csv@; merge jobcat_ by jobcat; //plot candle about figure salary amount by each jobname with x vertical tics. plot box salnow by jobname/ xrotate=90 ;