//Minmum Squre method by Householder decomposition
//This solved values must be same as Regression under condition of intercept=0
household target by [explanable variables]/
size=nn //nn is decompoistion size by each loop. (default=1000)
get iris.csv@;
//least minimum squre by Household
get iris.csv@;
household SepalW by SepalL PetalL PetalW;
anaput house;
//solved value by Household minimum squre.
SepalL PetalL PetalW SepalW
0.837789 -0.668938 0.5561 3.711342
//Comparison regression coefficents with solved values of household minisqure.
reg SepalW by SepalL PetalL PetalW/
// Regression Estimate are as same as Household minisqure
Name Estimate StdErr Tvalue Pr(<[t]) Sign( 0.050)
Intercept 0.000 0.284 0.000 1.000 .
SepalL 0.838 0.065 12.795 0.000 *
PetalL -0.669 0.065 -10.221 0.000 *
PetalW 0.556 0.129 4.308 0.000