//arma command.
//This command is used for arma modeling that is binded AR(Auto Regression) and MA(Moving Average Model)
arma data/
ar:xx //Auto regression degree(default 5).
ma:yy //Moving average degree(default 5).
predict=xx //xx is predicting period using fourie transform(default 0).
get stockdata.csv@;
plot line data1;
if(# > 229) delrec //This wave has 250 steps,and 229 steps are trainning step.
put train;
//use tmtrend command for fitting 229 step and predicting 21 step using 4 degree spline.
get train;
tmtrend data1/
anaput traintrend;
get traintrend;
plot line data1 data1_T dataTC;
//data1 is original wave;
//data1_T is the spline curve fitting orignal wave;
//data1TC is different value meaning data1 - data_T.
//using fourie transform for steady long priod fitting with cuting higher frequency.
fourie data1TC/
anaput freqData;
plot line data1TC/
//Cuting 30 higher frequency to get long period curve
get freqdata;
if(# >= 30) data1TC=0;
put cutData;
//Reverse fourie transform to get long period curve.
get cutData;
fourie data1TC/
anaput cutWave;
get cutWave;
//rename logn frequency curve.
attr name rename/
data1TC data1FR
plot line data1FR;
//ploting long period curve to difference value of data1 and trend.
merge trainTrend by #;
plot line data1 data1_T data1TC data1FR;
put data1FRQ;
//In the Figuer data1FR curve is long period curve for fitting difference value.
//Get residual value of actual data and trend curve + long period curve.
get data1FRQ;
if(# > 229) delrec;
put data1Zan;
//Usage arma model for residual curve.
get data1Zan;
arma data1Zan/
anaput armaWave;
//Rename arma model curve.
get armaWave;
attr name rename/
data1Zan data1arma
plot line data1arma;
merge data1FRQ by #;
//Composing trend curve + long period curve + arma curve
put data1Comp;
//To compare actual curve, merge acutal cuve.
merge stockdata.csv@ by #;
//Comparison predict period of actual curve with trend+fourie+arma model
plot line data1 data1Comp;
put data1Predict;