// //scat plot command // //this plot command draws various graph according to number of variables. //According to number of variables,graph type is bellow //1 -> histgram //2 -> 2 dimension scat plot //3 -> 3 dimension scat plot //over 4 -> matrix of scat plot //Syntax without category variable. plot scat [variables]; //syntax with category variable. plot scat [variables] by [category variable]; //Caution //In this plot command,number of variable is less then 7. //When draws matrix of scat plot,ignore category variable. //Example get iris@; //Because of 1 variable,draw histgram. plot scat SepalW by Species; //Because of 2 variables,draw scat plot in 2 dimension. plot scat SepalW SepalL by Species; //Because of 3 variables,draw scat plot in 3 dimension. plot scat SepalW SepalL PetalW by Species; //Because of 4 variables,draw matrix of scat plot. plot scat SepalW SepalL PetalW PetalL;