//Non negative Decomposition by number of base. 
//It is necessary to number of base which is less than number of variables.

nfmx variables by number  of base/

kind:xx     //xx is method of decomposition KL/EU  (default=KL)
loop:nn     //nn is number of loop max (default=1000)
make:xx     //xx is selection on/off(default=off) that if make:on generates restructed matrix       

//Example 1
//handin segment and 3D data.
//last 3 record is predicated by command.
hand x1 - 8/
0.477857956 0.319091616 0.302620266 0.730827651 0.49992968  0.699196259 0.060517367 0.265924156
0.00406606 0.647777417 0.376794333 0.249187712  0.002900597 0.363580356 0.621609026 0.688979167
0.144337631 0.134830656 0.368313458 0.678782104 0.956669842 0.712539768 0.259800963 0.972840097
0.478567329 0.999731925 0.126118713 0.174019096 0.07744955  0.166693911 0.596564893 0.949427215
0.193299312 0.622925328 0.886683209 0.650727717 0.735032509 0.681099043 0.854324683 0.954729952
0.234341936 0.980023763 0.985418455 0.744663123 0.645158682 0.182633857 0.856732619 0.569249277
0.769870409 0.535464261 0.595999283 0.992034483 0.614017449 0.980085681 0.378980325 0.282306509
0.687151085 0.049443131 0.958651386 0.397166528 0.045288575 0.719019813 0.065615683 0.970861944
0.16716339  0.3670079   0.681103811 0.834992462 0.652788948 0.004701586 0.164266618 0.505313569
0.293595641 0.866260829 0.523882553 0.396366979 0.843838125 0.235840098 0.782898702 0.891316259
0.667230538 0.10930395  0.704181293 0.855822605 0.681378311 0.11694119  0.504940983 0.586558526
0.003491564 0.211539023 0.372501881 0.855361624 0.130223932 0.108133626 0.049682264 0.898001752
0.573589174 0.30593098  0.933263556 0.039450163 0.486293053 0.9937177   0.134909845 0.442912248
0.069926217 0.014254536 0.893675212 0.10080844  0.492802744 0.151568796 0.416445236 0.75165572
0.051691148 0.494699089 0.106039949 0.434479561 0.403959694 0.09126256  0.478329934 0.119430798
0.136113097 0.629852067 0.68700719  0.204129824 0.67403004  0.349366535 0.806686839 0.474264635
0.632875461 0.419292717 0.452484941 0.061667694 0.968768146 0.326369333 0.505115927 0.050154877
0.950692755 0.136194283 0.637065192 0.874784215 0.743306093 0.40860952  0.502982031 0.718677059
0.030777893 0.463988385 0.178683319 0.759725941 0.809173151 0.038466912 0.931100804 0.745170621
0.458882408 0.75344032  0.230500757 0.057578732 0.105972171 0.932919597 0.18738989  0.583214801
put m20_8;
//non negative decompse by 4 base.
nfmx x1-8 by 4/

//See decomposed file which has 20 row 4 base.
get freq@ana;
put m20_4;

//See else decompsed file which has  4 row 8 variables;
get score@ana;
put m4_8;

//recompose by 2 files;
mxmult x1-8 by m20_4;

//compare recomposed file and original by correlation.
corr x1-8;

get m20_8;
corr x1-8;